A Story of Generations...
Title: The Good Daughter by Jasmin Darznik Publisher : Grand Central Publishing 336 pages Genre: Non-Fiction - family, relationships This book is set to be released in January 2011. I received an advanced electronic copy from the publisher through netgalley.com Synopsis : One day when Jasmin Darznik is helping her mother pack up to move, a photograph falls from a stack of old letters. The girl in it is her mother. She is wearing a wedding veil, and at her side stands a man whom Jasmin has never seen before. At first, Jasmin’s mother, Lili, refuses to share any information. Months later, Jasmin receives the first of ten cassette tapes revealing a wrenching hidden story of her family’s true origins in Iran : her mother’s troubled history of abuse and neglect, and a daughter she was forced to abandon in order to escape that life. The final tape reveals that her sister, Sara, is still living in Iran . Review: I got a bit side tr...