
Showing posts from September, 2024

AUDIO BOOK REVIEW: The Night We Lost Him by Laura Dave

REVIEW:  A man filled with secrets is found dead and his children go on a quest to find out the truth. Told in alternating chapters we learn more about the father and the continuing relationship he has had with a woman he has know since high school. A woman who continues to turn down his proposals of marriage and a woman who has shaped his world.  Liam Noone compartmentalizes his life.  He has multiple children from various marriages but keeps them apart. Now that he is gone his son reaches out to his older sister asking for her help in discovering what really happened to their father. He doesn't believe that his father's death was an accident. At first she is reluctant but the more they dig the more they discover about their father and realize that there is more to his death. Working together brother and sister discover a bond and while their relationships struggle they discover what they really want.  I loved this book and ...

ARC BOOK REVIEW: The Puzzle Box by Danielle Trussoni

REVIEW:  Mike Brink and his dog Conundrum are back with the hardest puzzle in the world. Mike is being invited to Japan to attempt to solve the Dragon Box - a puzzle that has maimed and killed anyone who has tried to open it.  Without his anchor, his therapist, Mike isn't sure what to do but ultimately decides to take on the challenge with the help of many of the people who helped him in his last quest.  If you weren't scared of AI before then this book will make you terrified of it. Brink's nemesis who died in the last book has inserted himself into the computer network. He can track anyone, anywhere through any device connected to the internet.  With the help of his friends and one of the Emperors trusted guards Brink finds himself on a race to complete the puzzle and stay alive with parts of the Faction after him. With the help of Rachel his feminist historical researcher he also discovers the truth about the dragon box an...

AUDIO BOOK REVIEW: The Butchers Game by Alaina Uruqhart

  REVIEW:  Book 2 in the Butcher and the Wren Series. Jeremy escaped and is leaving Louisiana, finding his way toward his ex best friend in the Berkshires, Massachusetts. Along the way Jeremy can't help but to leave more bodies and more clues for Wren to follow.   This book is just as fast paced as book 1 but with even more dire consequences.  There is also some foreshadowing for a book 3. If you aren't paying attention you just may miss it. Wren feels compelled to help chase down Jeremy but is she playing into his game? There is tension between Wren and her detective friend from Louisiana.  The cops in Massachusetts aren't ready to believe this is the same killer and they aren't ready to trust Wren.  There is a devastating death in this book so keep your tissues close! This is another fantastic book can't wait to see what she has in store for the next one.   Publication Date:  September 17, 2024 Format:   Audio Genre:    Mystery/Th...

AUDIO BOOK REVIEW: Fox Creek by William Kent Krueger

  REVIEW:  Book 19 of the Cork O'Connor series and it didn't disappoint. I don't think there is one volume of this series that I didn't think was fantastic. I also like that everyone in these books age as the books move along. We see Cork's children grow from infants to having families of their own. Of course with the aging of the children comes the aging of some of the other characters.  I have to say I am not looking forward to reading about the death of Henry which will just break my heart.  After reading so many of these I feel like I know these characters so well.  Cork races across the border of Canada to help find a man who has information that could reveal a plot that could destroy whole communities. The bad guys are always just a step behind with powerful people helping them. However, Meloux helps their tracker find his true path and he starts helping Cork and the others to fight against his old boss.  Non stop action this book is an easy ...

AUDIO BOOK REVIEW: The Butcher and the Wren by Alaina Urquhart

REVIEW:  I loved this creepy read.  When the psychos look normal and you don't realize you're in trouble until it's too late. This makes it seem all the more real to me. Written by Morbid, podcaster Alaina Urquart this book packs lots of terror but also has a strong main female character. That this is set in Louisiana doesn't hurt, as the whole state has a bit of the creep factor.  The winding bayous, the spanish moss, its just a great setting.  The narration on this book is fantastic and really sucked me in.  If there was ever a book that would make a great movie, this would be it.  Publication Date:  September 13, 2022 Format:   Audio Genre:    Mystery/Thriller  Narrator:  Sophie Amoss, Joe Knezevich Publisher:   Zando Length:    6 Hours 23 minutes Buy: ...

AUDIO BOOK REVIEW: The Watcher by Lisa Sell

  REVIEW:  This was a creepy read, where you didn't know who was the watcher but yet they had a story line. A woman who is grieving over her miscarriage decides to spend time away from home to try to pull herself together and get back to herself. She heads to the Seaside hoping to get more art done while she is there but finds herself obsessed with the people who live in the apartment complex. The chapters shift between Sophie and her watcher who doesn't identify themselves until the last chapter of the book and I have to say I was a bit shocked at who it was.  The narrator does a good job of keeping us interested in the story and the characters. Everyone who lives in this building seems to have something to hide or secret they don't want shared. I'm glad I don't rent or I would probably be looking in all the vents to make sure no one was watching me. The ending jumped the shark a bit but was wrapped it up which I'm thankful for.  ...

AUDIO BOOK REVIEW: The Sing Sing Files by Dan Slepian

  REVIEW:   The Sing Sing Files by Dan Slepian - Strangely enough this book just came to me recently - it seems books about those wrongfully accused and convicted are finding their way to me right and left. This was another fascinating read about several men wrongfully convicted of crimes and the fight to get them out of prison. I am no longer surprised at the lengths the prosecution and judges will go to not have to admit they were wrong in the first place.   Written and narrated by Dan Slepian the NBC dateline producer who spent years working not only to free these men but to also bring their stories to light despite the efforts of those in power to keep them in prison who would rather have not had their stories brought to light.  Well investigated this book offered the original audio from interviews that Dan took of the prisoners and others involved in the case. It was an interesting read but I think I'm burned out on t...