Kindle to Kindle comparison

Since I am a Kindle junkie and happen to own 3 versions of the kindle (I have yet to shell out the dough or find it even remotely necessary to buy the DX yet) I thought I would give my reviews on each. Kindle Version 1 - awkward to hold. I was always hitting the page turn buttons on this one. It is also very thick compared to the two latest versions which also makes it harder to deal with but with a good cover this one works fine. Kindle 1 also has a memory card which you can replace to create more space on your kindle. Uses whispernet to download books. Kindle Version 2 - much more streamlined but doesn't have the removable memory card so you can't transfer books or improve the storage. Uses 3G whispernet to download books. This version I found very durable. It is thinner than version 1 but also bigger. The buttons are in much more convenient locations and I didn't find myself accidently turning the pages. I have a silicone cover for m...