Book Review: The Promise: A Tale of Unconventional Adoption and the Immeasurable Strength of a Mothers Love by Sam Vickery

Release Date: July 20, 2016
Publisher: Createspace
Format: Paperback
Pages: 250 Pages
Genre: Fiction
Buy: Kindle | Paperback


Saraya Matthews knows that at thirty two years old, life should look better than this. With no spark and no passion, she decides enough is enough. She is going to find her purpose and stop wasting her life away. Little does she know, her purpose will come in the form of an orphaned baby boy whose mother has been gruesomely murdered on the streets of London. Saraya finds herself in a battle between what's legal and what's morally right. The authorities expect her to hand him over, but baby Flynn needs her. Saraya is surprised to discover that once she lets herself love him, she can't turn back. Flung full force into the unexpected position of mother and protector, she realises she will do whatever it takes to keep her baby safe in her arms. But will she succeed? A tale of unconventional adoption and the immeasurable strength of a mother's love.


I read this book in one sitting.  I was drawn in by Emily and her story. The way she was treated, what she was doing to try to stay alive.  I had a hard time relating to Saraya I felt that her instant bond to Flynn was a bit of a stretch. Yes its is possible to bond strongly with a child that is adopted but to feel that bond as you peel it from the dead arms of its mother is bit of a stretch for me.

Since I work in adoption I find it offensive that this book says that it is a tale of unconventional adoption.  This isn't just unconventional its illegal.  She steals a baby, doesn't call the police about the child's dead mother and doesn't go through legal channels to adopt, all the while stating the statistics of adoption in the UK.

I understand the authors description of the strong bond between a mother and her child, and given that Saraya had three months to bond with Flynn I can understand her feeling a strong bond and not wanting to give him up at that point. However I still strongly disagree with how she went about keeping him.

This is an emotionally charged book that is sure to draw strong emotions.


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