Book Review: A Divided Mind by M Billiter

Release Date: July 27, 2019
Publisher: Tangled Tree Publishing
Format: ebook
Pages: 322 pages
Genre:  Psychological Fiction
Buy: Kindle | Paperback | 


Sometimes that little voice in your head isn’t always yours.

What if the only friend you have isn’t real? When the voices in his head begin to make sense, high school senior Branson Kovac turns to the one friend he’s still got… only to discover he’s not really there.


There are many books out there with characters with mental illness and not all of them really show you the ripple effect that has on the family, and the people around them.   Based on Billiters own mental health family struggles this one hits it out of the ballpark.

I was drawn in from the first and as the book goes along I wanted to cry for the whole family.  The loss of who a person was to who they become when the mental illness takes hold, the struggle of the person suffering, trying to navigate through life. The blame a parent feels and the struggle to hold it together for your child is all in here and tears at your heart.

Written in alternating chapters you see the point of view of Tara the single parent to four children, and the point of view of Branson  one half of twins who has been struggling with mental health issues since 8th grade.  Now a senior in high school his symptoms are getting worse and its time for him to reach out for help.

I can't say enough about this book.  With so many families struggling with mental health issues its time we take this out and start talking about it.  Having positive conversations about it and stop shying away and looking disapprovingly at those who are struggling.  Fabulous book and I can't say enough good things about it.

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.

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