Blog Hop

Book Blogger Hop
Okay so this is technically something that is supposed to happen on Friday but since I just stumbled across it today (Saturday) I guess this will have to do.

This weeks question is: Do you use a rating system for your reviews and if so what is it and why? Well I just started this blog, but I've been logging my books for years the old fashioned way in a notebook.  In the beginning I tried to use a rating system but I just couldn't keep it up.  I hate rating things 1-5 or whatever, if I like it I'll say that, if I hated it, you'll know, if I thought it was okay, it won't get a rave review.  Some books I read are more fun than fantastic so I would never know how to rate them so instead of the stress and pressure to rate my books and reviews I just say how I felt about it and let others decide what rating they think I give it or better yet read it themselves and give it one themselves.  This way the pressure is off me!


  1. Hopped over. I'm starting in reverse on the list because the late to the party bloggers (which is me) are way down on the list. Glad I found your blog! Charlie over at

  2. Hi! This is my first hop :)
    I thought I was going to be the last comment in the linky! Do visit me at:
    e-Volving Books

  3. Found you on the hop! I totally agree with what you said about ratings. I don't use them either for the same reason. Following you :)

  4. Stopping by from the Hop. Love your blog background!

  5. Hi visiting from the HOP - I feel rather the same way about the rating.

    I hope you will visit on or both of my blogs: LibrarysCat or Holocaust Resources for Children!!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. lol I too don't have a rating system on my blog, hopping on through! and am now a follower :) happy reading


  7. Stopping by from bookblogs.ning
    I have a rating system from 1 (hated it) to 5 (couldn't put it down).


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