Water Witches

Water Witches by Chris Bohjalian - I love this author.  I read Midwives several years ago and then rediscovered him when I picked up a copy of Before You Know Kindness which I loved.  So what does any good book junkie do when they read two books by the same author and love them?  They go out and find all of this authors books to collect dust on our book shelves until we get around to reading them of course!

Water Witches is about a family of dowser's (people who attempt to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, gravesites and many other objects and materials, as well as so-called currents of earth radiation, without the use of scientific apparatus.) in a small Vermont town.  The local ski lodge is planning  an expansion and wants to use the local lake to help make snow in case of another winter without much snow fall.  The problem is a drought has hit the area that has seriously affected the water table creating a problem for both the ski lodge owners and the town itself. Scottie Winston, husband, father and in-law of the town's most famous dowsers is the attorney for the ski lodge which puts him in a precarious position with his family.  After an outing with his daughter Scottie witnesses something that makes the struggle between doing his job and doing whats right even harder. 

I really liked that the line between what is right and what is wrong for this town is sort of murky and not completely defined.  You could see both sides of the argument, even though the author clearly falls on the side of nature. 


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