Science and Moral Dilemma's

Title: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Publisher: Vintage International
288 pages
Genre: Fantasy/Sci fi

Synopsis: Hailsham is a British boarding school for special students. The reminiscence is told from the point of view of Kathy H., now 31, whose evocation of the sheltered estate's sunlit rolling hills, guardians, dormitories, and sports pavilions is imbued with undercurrents of muted tension and foreboding that presage a darker reality. As an adult, Kathy re-engages in lapsed friendships with classmates Ruth and Tommy, examining the details of their shared youth and revisiting with growing awareness the clues and anecdotal evidence apparent to them even as youngsters that they were different from everyone outside.

Review:I couldn't put this book down. It isn't until about 1/3 of the way through this book that you start to have a glimmer of what it is really about and since I don't want to spoil it my review is going to be fairly cryptic and for that I apologize.  If the little I reveal peaks your curiosity or if you like moral questions this is a book for you.

Ishiguro reveals the true horror of this book slowly after you get to know the players involved.  Little by little like peeling the layers of an onion you are slowly shown the fate of the main characters of this book.  It makes you think, it makes you want to scream, it makes you want to shake them and scream "run" or "what are you thinking!".  Is this what our future holds? I hope not. Maybe this is a cautionary tale, one that shows what could happen, and investigates what makes one person more important than another.

This is a more personal book but it reminds me of the out of print book World Enough and Time by James Kahn, which blends science and fantasy but asks some of the same questions, such as just because we have the technology to do something should we really do it and what are the consequences if we do?


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