Holiday Hop....

As we are now between holidays I thought I join the hop again.....

This weeks question is:

What is the thing you most like about reading book blogs? Is it reviews, author guest posts, articles, giveaways or something else entirely?

 I just like getting new book recommendations.  I love to read peoples reviews.  I'm not into the giveaways, or the author guest posts, and I burn out on the differently daily mail tuesday, or wish list thursday etc...The hop is the one exception I've found to my aversion to these weekly themes because it exposes me to other blogs that I may not have found any other way but some of the other things out there I can do without.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. If you liked Little Princes, you might like Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea. He's also got a new book out that I saw at Hastings, but didn't buy - waiting for the library to get a copy.

  2. Just hopping by to say hi! I’m pretty new and still formulating opinions on the many great things that make up book blogging. I do really like the read-alongs! Stop by and say hi if you get a chance. Have a good weekend!

  3. @Jon I read Three Cups of Tea and loved it, I haven't gotten to his new one.

  4. Hopping by to say hello! I appreciate all the reviews I come across, even though my TBR list has grown a bit large....



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