(13) Return to the Past

Title: Sabotage by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
360 pages
Genre: YA (historical fiction/adoption/time travel)

Synopsis:After helping Chip and Alex survive fifteenth-century London, Jonah and Katherine are summoned to help another missing child, Andrea, face her fate in history. Andrea is really Virginia Dare, from the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Jonah and Katherine are confident in their ability to help Andrea fix history, but when their journey goes dangerously awry, they realize they may be in over their heads: They seem to have landed in the wrong time period. They can’t reach JB for help. Andrea is behaving oddly. And even worse, it appears that someone has deliberately sabotaged their mission….

Review: Another fabulous history lesson.This time Jonah and Katherine are sent back in time with another missing child from history, Andrea (AKA Virginia Dare).  They are sent back to Roanoke Island  where an entire colony of settlers disappeared without a trace. There are many theories of what happened but no conclusive proof which give Haddix an enormous amount to work with.

This time their trip back in time goes wrong and they don't land in the right time, but aren't sure what time they landed in they also have no way to communicate or get back.  They find ruins of villages that are supposed to be whole and tracers of people who are supposed to be living there.  Everything is off and soon they start receiving messages from someone named Second.  Can they trust him?

While trying to find other settlers two more missing children are thrown back in time much to their surprise and to Jonah, Katherine and Andrea.  Having these two new people creates a whole new set of problems and they still aren't able to contact JB who they trust to get them home.

Haddix once again does her homework with regard to the history.  Her story is filled with mystery and moves along at a quick pace.  I love the characters and their interaction. The story ends with a cliffhanger that leaves Jonah and Katherine fighting for the lives of their friends and their ability to return to the 21st century.

The ending of this story had me doing a little digging and I discovered that this is not just a trilogy so I'm eagerly looking forward to the next installment to this series.


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