(31) Love Life

Title: LoveLife by Rachel Spangler
Publisher: Bold Stroke Books
254 pages
Genre: LGBT Romance

I received this book through netgalley.com 

Synopsis: Life coach Elaine Raitt is educated, elegant, and dedicated to her profession. Blue-collar boi Joey Lang is too insecure to even approach her—that is until her well-meaning but meddling best friend Lisa decides to break the ice and makes Joey a life-coaching appointment with Elaine. A session meant to bring clarity only leaves them both feeling more confused about their purpose in life and love.

Will Joey be able to find the strength to chase the woman of her dreams, and even if she does, will Elaine be willing to risk the life she loves for the woman who could be the love of her life?

Review: A well done lesbian romance.  There is a formula to all romance novels gay or straight and this is no exception.  Shy boi Joey meets the girl of her dreams in the coffee shop she works at and with the help of her meddling best friend makes a connection. Of course it doesn't go as planned and there is a big obstacle they have to overcome to be together.  The characters are fun, Joey is adorable and Elaine turns out to need some life coaching of her own but what therapist doesn't?  Isn't there a saying those that can't teach? Well that would be Elaine.  While I do hate that so many lesbian novels just seem to be populated with lesbians and very few straight people or gay men, it still is a fun read.  I do prefer a mix of friends and family, who aren't all gay but this seems to be something very few lesbian romance novels seem to do, either way it doesn't detract from the fun of the book.  What girl doesn't want to fall in love at first sight only to find the woman of her dreams is just as messed up as she is?


  1. Nice review! I recently purchased this book and because of your review, I think I will move it to the top of my 'to be read' pile. It was ironic that the ad from AdChoices at the bottom of this page was for "How to Become a Life Coach for $397". lol...I think there is a lot more to it than that, but it made me chuckle. And I am betting that Elaine in "LoveLife" has a whole lot more education than what is offered in the ad. Looking forward to the read. Good luck on your goal of 100 books.

    1. Glad you are moving it up on the list...it was a fun read. Thanks for stopping by!


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