(74) Why I Let My Hair Grow Out

Title: Why I Let My Hair Grow Out by Maryrose Wood
Publisher: Berkley Books
218 pages
Genre: YA

Synopsis: Being sent to your room is one thing. But being sent to another country?

Morgan's boyfriend dumped her on the last day of school-it seemed the only thing to do was to hack off her hair and dye the stubble orange. Unfortunately, Morgan's parents freaked and decided a change of scenery would do her good. So they're sending her off on a bike tour of Ireland.

But Morgan gets more than she bargained for on the Emerald Isle-including a strange journey into some crazy,& once upon a time corner of the past. There, she meets fairies, weefolk, and a hunky warrior-dude named Fergus, and figures out that she's got some growing to do-and she doesn't just mean her hair.

Review: This book took me by surprise, I wasn't sure what to expect but the beginning made me think I was in for another angsty teenage drama but I was wrong.  Oh sure there were the snarky teenage comments but it isn't one big bitch fest and Morgan actually learns a lot about herself and how helping others isn't a drag but actually feels pretty good.

I love the Irish folklore thrown in throughout the book when Morgan gets transported back into some time long ago to find that she has another half that flits back and forth through time because she has faerie in her. This book is witty, fun and actually has a lesson of sorts.  I'm glad I found it buried on my shelves.


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