(2) Gotcha Day
Title: Gotcha Day: A Carried In My Heart Adoption Story for Children by Rebecca Tabasso
Publisher: Carried in My Heart Books
34 pages
Genre: Adoption, Children
Synopsis: A very special day is coming up—only Suzie isn’t sure which one… When Suzie’s mom tells her a special day is coming, Suzie is very excited and begins guessing.Suzie’s mom can’t resist letting Suzie make guess after guess as Suzie’s imagination journeys through many possibilities trying to figure out which special day her mother is so excited about.
Review: Suzie tries to figure out what the big day they will be celebrating soon is and she runs through all the holidays including the historic holidays on the US calendar. This book has bright, exciting illustrations and is a great way to express how much your adoption and your child mean to your family.A very sweet little book.
Publisher: Carried in My Heart Books
34 pages
Genre: Adoption, Children
Synopsis: A very special day is coming up—only Suzie isn’t sure which one… When Suzie’s mom tells her a special day is coming, Suzie is very excited and begins guessing.Suzie’s mom can’t resist letting Suzie make guess after guess as Suzie’s imagination journeys through many possibilities trying to figure out which special day her mother is so excited about.
Review: Suzie tries to figure out what the big day they will be celebrating soon is and she runs through all the holidays including the historic holidays on the US calendar. This book has bright, exciting illustrations and is a great way to express how much your adoption and your child mean to your family.A very sweet little book.
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