(45) Joyland
Title: Joyland (Hard Case Crime) by Stephen King
Publisher: Hardcase Crime
288 pages
Genre: Horror, Thriller,
Synopsis: Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a vicious murder, the fate of a dying child, and the ways both will change his life forever.
Review: I am not a die hard Stephen King fan in fact I think this is only the second of his books that I have read (I read Cell and hated it) because it was handed to me and I was told I "have to read this!" So I did, because you don't question it when your partner tells you to read something and you want a happy home life.
I was really pleasantly surprised. This is not a horror book, more of a coming of age story with a little mystery and romance thrown in. You get to relive the thrill of being at a carnival for the first time, being a kid and seeing your favorite character come to life and see how life isn't always peaches and cream. Joyland is a roller coaster ride. King brings you up and then brings you down only to wind you back up again. I really enjoyed this book and I loved the evolution of Devin, how he went from an innocent boy to a man. Finally I can understand what all the fuss over Stephen King is really about.
Publisher: Hardcase Crime
288 pages
Genre: Horror, Thriller,
Synopsis: Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a vicious murder, the fate of a dying child, and the ways both will change his life forever.
Review: I am not a die hard Stephen King fan in fact I think this is only the second of his books that I have read (I read Cell and hated it) because it was handed to me and I was told I "have to read this!" So I did, because you don't question it when your partner tells you to read something and you want a happy home life.
I was really pleasantly surprised. This is not a horror book, more of a coming of age story with a little mystery and romance thrown in. You get to relive the thrill of being at a carnival for the first time, being a kid and seeing your favorite character come to life and see how life isn't always peaches and cream. Joyland is a roller coaster ride. King brings you up and then brings you down only to wind you back up again. I really enjoyed this book and I loved the evolution of Devin, how he went from an innocent boy to a man. Finally I can understand what all the fuss over Stephen King is really about.
your next Stephen King assignment, is to read The Stand.