ARC Review: Speaking in Bones

Title: Speaking in Bones: A Novel (Temperance Brennan) by Kathy Reichs
Publisher: Bantam
Pages: 320 pages
Format: advanced e-book from the publisher via in exchange for an honest review
Genre: Mystery

This book will be released July 21, 2015

Synopsis: Temperance Brennan investigates what looks to be a typical missing person case, only to find herself digging up bones possibly left by a serial killer, a cult, or perhaps something not entirely of this world.

(41)Review: I love these books, and while I have watched the TV Show Bones I tend to appreciate the books more.

Tempe finds herself involved in a case involving web sleuths (regular people who try to help solve cold cases through the internet). When a woman walks into her office with a disturbing audio of a woman in distress Tempe decides to help.  Whether she is helping to take her away from her problems of finding tax receipts or dealing with her Canadian detective Ryan this case is a good distraction.

Fundamentalist Christians, mysterious remains, and a family that refuses to help find their missing daughter really drive this story along.  I am usually pretty good about figuring out who was involved and what happened but this plot twists and turns and the ending truly was a surprise.

I loved how Kathy Reichs weaves Tempe's personal life in with her work life because that is reality, trying to juggle a personal life and a career that really takes you in different directions all the time can be difficult. There was much more about Tempe's personal life in this book than in previous ones and it seems almost like the case was just filler...which to Tempe it may have been.  I also think that this book was not as forensically detailed as her past books it was a nice break to have something that was a little more psychological.

There was a bit of a teaser thrown in at the end which I wasn't sure I appreciated but I guess we will see how that pans out in the next books. Overall I enjoyed this installment of the Dr. Brennan series, it may not be for everyone if you are looking for the fast paced forensically detailed books she usually writes but I think its a good addition to the series.


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