Audio Book Review: Independent Study(The Testing Book 2)

Title: Independent Study by Joelle Charbonneau
Publisher: Recorded Books
Format: Audio Book
Narrator: Elizabeth Morton
Length: 9 hours 46 minutes
Pages: 336 pages
Genre: dystopian YA

Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Cia Vale survived The Testing, as has Tomas, the boy she loves, and they have both gained admission to the University. She has a promising future as a leader of the United Commonwealth and no memory of her bloody testing experience, thanks to a government-sanctioned memory wipe. Cia should be happy but  is plagued by doubts about the past and future.

Determined to find the truth, she embarks on a path of study forbidden by the government delving  into the Commonwealth's darkest secrets. What she finds is the brutal reality lurking behind the friendly faces of her classmates and the unbearable realization that leaders chosen to protect us can be our greatest enemy.

(43) Review: I am still struggling with the narrator of these books. Her voice is very bland and almost monosyllabic with occasional inflection thrown in making it easier for my mind to wander or me to zone out while listening.

I have to state that I did enjoy this book, it wasn't as good as the first one but it was okay.  I feel that its biggest downfall is in the main character.  She seems almost too perfect.  She is able to do just about anything and never seems to falter.  Cia, doesn't seem to have any flaws, she figures out all puzzles put to her with little effort and knows a little bit of everything, its barely a struggle.

This world actually seems a little more devious and brutal than some of the other dystopian novels I have read.  In this world life is a more dangerous and not so obvious. The last few chapters of this book got really good, and I found myself more sucked in than I had for the first 3/4 of the book.  I will be picking up the last book of this series just to find out what happens.


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