Book Review: A Course in Miracles Made Easy: Mastering the Journey From Fear to Love by Alan Cohen

Release Date: October 27, 2016
Publisher: Hay House
Format: Kindle
Pages: 232 pages
Genre: Religion, Spirituality
Buy:  Paperback | Kindle


The self-study spiritual-thought system that teaches the way to love and forgiveness – has captivated the minds and captured the hearts of millions of people. Delivering inner peace where fear and pain once prevailed, its universal message is unsurpassed in its power to heal. Yet many students report that they have difficulty grasping the principles or keeping up with the lessons. So even while they yearn for the spiritual freedom the Course offers, they put the book aside, hoping to get to it one day


I tried to read a Course in Miracles several years ago and really had a tough time.  Since I wasn't raised Christian the Father, son and Holy Ghost thing sort of gave me some problems and I really struggled with it.  I was hoping that this book would give me a better grasp on it and I was pleasantly surprised.  The beginning didn't grab me at first but it peaked my interest and kept me reading, by about halfway through I was highlighting passages and finding "aha" moments.  The epilogue is supreme and titled: "Everything you always wanted to know about A Course in Miracles but didn't want to have to read the whole course to find out" and it truly is a 14 point breakdown of the whole course.

Mastering ACIM would take a lifetime but studying it and revisiting it is a good way to move past fear and live more in the moment.  It is a way to reduce fear, anxiety and unhappiness and live the life we were all meant to live. I am extremely happy I stumbled upon this book, it makes me want to take another stab at ACIM and it gave me good tips to maybe go further than I have before.

Wonderful food for thought that I will probably be returning to again and again.

Disclaimer: Book was received from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.


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