Book Review: Every Shade of Blue by Linzi Drew-Honey

Release Date: January 28, 2016
Publisher: Troubadour Publishing
Format: Kindle
Pages: 252 pages
Genre: Erotic Romance
Buy: Kindle | Paperback


“I’ve met someone. I’ll be moving out on Sunday.”
When Suzanne Perry-Jackson is ditched by her husband of almost twenty years, her comfortable, uncomplicated world is turned upside down and inside out. Two months after the traumatic break-up, the sophisticated blonde meets Angelo Azzurro, a captivating stranger who takes full advantage of her vulnerability and introduces her to the decadent world of sadomasochistic sex. As much as she enjoys the amazing, liberating encounter, she is adamant that this needs to remain a moment of madness – never to be repeated.

Then a chance meeting with orthopaedic surgeon Sebastian Black rocks Suzanne’s world all over again. It’s love at first sight as she senses a deep physical and mental connection with the breathtakingly beautiful, blue-eyed doctor. After meeting in a professional capacity, Sebastian orchestrates a chance meeting with Suzanne. It is obvious that something extraordinary is unfolding between them. But things aren’t as simple as they seem: control freak Angelo, still angered by Suzanne leaving him, can’t help wanting to teach her a lesson she will never forget...

When Suzanne vanishes, Sebastian is frantic with worry. He has no doubt that her disappearance has everything to do with Angelo. Will he find Suzanne? And will he be able once and for all to move on with the woman he has fallen head over heels in love with?


I had a lot of issues with this book.  I know a lot of romance and erotica books can jump the shark but this one took it to a whole new level.  Angelo doesn't introduce Suzanne to the decadent world of S&M he introduces her to sex with a dominate jerk.  S&M involves consent, safety and trust.  There was none of that with Angelo who was a brutal domineering pimp.

This story would have been much better if the author had just stuck with Suzanne and Sebastian. There was fire and there was a whole lot of potential for some D&s fun between these two.  Instead we are subjected to sex scenes with Suzanne's ex husband and his young tart, and his young tart and various other men around town.  While some of the sex scenes were steamy the S&M aspect of it went from potential fun to scary in the blink of an eye.  I wanted to like this book but the author crossed the line from consensual and sensual to violence and brutality.

I'm giving this one two book worms since the interaction between Suzanne and Sebastian was steamy and erotic. I could have done without Angelo.

Disclaimer: Book was received from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.


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