ARC Review: Last Call at the Night Shade Lounge by Paul Krueger

Release Date: June 7, 2016
Publisher: Quirk Books
Format: Kindle
Pages: 288 pages
Genre: Sci Fi/ Fantasy
Buy: Kindle | Paperback


Bailey Chen is fresh out of college with all the usual new-adult demons: no cash, no job offers, and an awkward relationship with Zane, the old friend she kinda-sorta hooked up with during high school. But when Zane introduces Bailey to his monster-fighting bartender friends, her demons become a lot more literal. It turns out evil creatures stalk the city streets after hours, and they can only be hunted with the help of magically-mixed cocktails: vodka grants super-strength, whiskey offers the power of telekinesis, and tequila lets its drinker fire blasts of elemental energy. But will all of these powers be enough for Bailey to halt a mysterious rash of gruesome deaths? And what will she do when the safety of a “real world” job beckons?


Quirky and interesting, this story twists the modern day bartender into a supernatural bounty hunter here to protect the humans.  Through their mixology they create different drinks in exactly the right combination to give them superpowers (don't we all think we have superpowers when we drink?) to fight off demons who prey on unsuspecting humans.  A lot of the mixology has been lost along the ages but through trial and error they have rebuilt an impressive dictionary of drinks.  The only one no one has perfected is the Long Island ice tea.  This drink will pretty much make you invincible but it also draws the demons.  As more and more demons flock into Chicago Bailey and her friends find themselves discovering old rivalries and trying to stop something that could destroy the city.

This is a fun read - great for the beach or light reading...more like mind candy.

Disclaimer: Book was received from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Yeah, I had high expectations of this, but it was just an okay read in the end.


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