ARC Review: The Alienation of Courtney Hoffman: A Novel by Brady G. Stefani

Release Date: June 7, 2016
Publisher: SparkPress
Format: Kindle
Pages: 328 pages
Genre: Sci Fi/ Fantasy
Buy: Kindle | Paperback


Fifteen year old Courtney wants to be normal like her friends. But there’s something frighteningly different about her―and it’s not just the mysterious tattoo her conspiracy-obsessed grandfather marked her with when she was a child. “Mental illness is a slippery slope,” her mother warns her. And the last thing Courtney wants to do is end up crazy and dead like her grandfather did.

But what about the tattoo? And the alien scouts who visit Courtney in her bedroom at night claiming to have shared an alliance with her grandfather? And her new friend Agatha’s apocalyptic visions? They have to be connected. Courtney has a mission: untangle her past, discover the truth, and stop the apocalypse before anyone from school finds out she’s missing.


Courtney doesn't know if she is going crazy or if the things she is seeing and experiencing are real.  When she meets the girl who has been showing up in her visions she thinks she has definitely lost her mind.  Through a series of missteps and teenage bravado Courtney and her new friend Agatha try to save the world.

I don't know how Stefani did it but he nailed Courtney's character right down to her teenage angsty speech. From the battle with parents and siblings to worrying about her social life Courtney comes to life. (Interesting how most of the "bad guys" in this book are adults.) Courtneys mother is by far the nastiest woman, I'm not even sure I could completely believe her character there were so many times I wanted to shake her while reading this book. Overall this was a fun, interesting, page turning read.  It has the potential to turn into a fun series as well.  I definitely would recommend this book to anyone who wants a fun, teen x-files adventure.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review. 


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