Book Review: Her Fiery Viking by AJ Tipton

Release Date: September 12, 2014
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Format: Kindle
Pages: 68 pages
Genre: Romance/ Fantasy
Buy: Kindle | Paperback | Audio


The heat is on when a cursed Viking clashes with the woman of his dreams.

Over a thousand years ago, a witch hexed a family of Viking warriors, each with one of the four elements. They live with these curses today, doomed to suffer for their past crimes forever. >

Mikkel might just be too hot to handle. Working as a well-muscled demolitions specialist, he must do everything he can to stay in control. If he allows himself to grow angry, his curse kicks in, making Mikkel burst into an uncontrollable ball of fire. After centuries of tragedy, he fears the fury within him will endanger anyone he lets get too close.

When Joanna--a smart, sexy engineer angry at the world--explodes into his life, Mikkel can’t resist her smoldering allure. Has the time finally come to let someone in to embrace his fire? Or will they both be scorched by a fiery passion?

This mature romance includes incendiary bar room shenanigans, high-speed car escapades, and a blazing romance that beats all odds.


Short, steamy romance.  Joanna is a hot headed engineer with anger issues and is drawn to Mikkel like a moth to the flame.  I wish this book had been longer.  I felt like it just got going and then it was over.  There is also a bartender at the local bar that has a backstory that I'd like to find out more about.

Over all this is a quicky book if you have few moments for some hot steamy romance this one is for you.

Disclaimer: Book was received from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.


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