ARC Review: Just Juliet by Charlotte Reagan

Release Date: September 16, 2016
Publisher: Create Space
Format: Kindle
Pages: 222 pages
Genre: YA, LGBT
Buy: Paperback


Lena Newman is 17, her best friend’s a cheerleader, her boyfriend’s a football player, and as far as everyone is concerned, her life is sorted. But that’s before she befriends the new girl. Juliet is confident, slightly damaged, drop-dead gorgeous and a lesbian.
Lena realizes that her interest goes beyond just friendship. She sets off on a path of self-discovery where the loyalty of those closest to her will be tested.


Lena struggles when she realizes she is attracted to the new girl in school.  She dives into a journey of self discovery which leads her to realize sexuality isn't so black and white.  While most coming out books only focus on being either straight or gay, this book looks at what its like to be bisexual.  What does that mean? Is it just a stopping point before you realize you really are gay? As a bisexual woman I can tell you it is one of the most misunderstood labels.  I loved that this book didn't feel the need to make Lena one or the other but really delve into her feelings to discover who she was.

The struggle Lena has coming out to her parents and the story behind Juliet's cousin Laykin are well done and honest.  Even the way her friends react when they find out is very real. The characters in this book are likable and the story fun and relatable.

Disclaimer: I received an advance copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. 


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