ARC Review: Get it Together Delilah! by Erin Gough

Release Date: April 4, 2017
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Format: Kindle
Pages: 336 pages
Genre: LGBT YA
Buy: Hardcover


Seventeen-year-old Delilah Green wouldn't have chosen to do her last year of school this way, but she figures it's working fine. While her dad goes on a trip to fix his broken heart after her mom left him for another man, Del manages the family cafe. Easy, she thinks. But what about homework? Or the nasty posse of mean girls making her life hell? Or her best friend who won't stop guilt-tripping her? Or her other best friend who might go to jail for love if Del doesn't do something? But really, who cares about any of that when all Del can think about is beautiful Rosa who dances every night across the street. . . . Until one day Rosa comes in the cafe door. And if Rosa starts thinking about Del, too, then how in the name of caramel milkshakes will Del get the rest of it together?


Originally published in Australia as The Flywheel, this book is a roller coaster of emotions. Filled with wit and deeper emotions we watch as Delilah Green tried to save her family's business while her father is off on the holiday she insisted he go on.  Her mother lives in another city with her new boyfriend and isn't really in Delilah's life.  With her group of friends Delilah struggles to go to school and manage the restaurant.  Her love life is a total disaster and she is being bullied at school.

I appreciate that this isn't your typical coming out YA LGBT book.  Delilah is gay, her family and friends accept this it isn't a secret and the story doesn't center around it.  Delilah is a strong young woman who is trying to juggle too many adult responsibilities along with trying to figure out what to do with her life.  She has the typical teenage love life that is a mess, broken hearts, etc but with the extra issues surrounding dating as an LGBT youth when not everyone is as open or out as Delilah.

I was drawn in by Delilah and her friends and was routing for her in both her love life and trying to keep the Flywheel open. I breezed through this story and found it delightful, funny and touching. This was a great debut for a new author.

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review. 


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