ARC Book Review: S.T.A.G.S. by M.A. Bennet

Release Date: January 30, 2018
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Format: ebook
Pages:  304 pages
Genre: YA Fiction
Buy: Kindle | Hardcover 


One deadly weekend.

At St. Aidan the Great School, or STAGS, new things--and new people--are to be avoided. The grandeur of the boarding school and the prestige of the students' bloodlines seem surreal to Greer MacDonald. A scholarship student who recently transferred to STAGS, Greer is ignored at best and mocked at worst by the school's most admired circle of friends, the Medievals.

Greer is taken by surprise when the Medievals send her an invitation to an exclusive weekend retreat at the private family estate of their unofficial leader, Henry de Warlencourt. It's billed as a weekend of "huntin' shootin' fishin'."

As the weekend begins to take shape, it becomes apparent that beyond the luxurious trappings, predators are lurking, and they're out for blood.


Greer is attending STAGS through a scholarship.  Her father produces wildlife films and her mother left when she was a young girl.  STAGS is filled with rich entitled kids who follow the rules set by a group of 6 kids known to everyone as the Medievals.  Feeling like an outcast Greer jumps at the opportunity to attend a weekend with the Medievals, hoping that she will make friends with the elite trend setters.

Unfortunately the weekend is not all that it seems...the Medievals are hiding a deadly secret and it seems its been going on for generations. Can they stop them from continuing their deadly games or is it much bigger than any of them even imagine?

This debut YA psychological thriller is sure to entertain readers well beyond its YA target audience.  Peer pressure is a difficult thing and the Medievals do it with finesse, from turning their noses up at technology, and the air of secrecy surrounding them they make everyone want to be them. Well developed characters and lots of plot twists and turns keep you engaged. The ending was superb.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review. 

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