ARC Book Review: The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware

Release Date: May 29, 2018
Publisher: Gallery/Scout Press
Format: ebook
Pages: 384 pages
Genre:  Mystery/ Thriller
Buy: Kindle | Hardcover


On a day that begins like any other, Hal receives a mysterious letter bequeathing her a substantial inheritance. She realizes very quickly that the letter was sent to the wrong person—but also that the cold-reading skills she’s honed as a tarot card reader might help her claim the money.

Soon, Hal finds herself at the funeral of the deceased…where it dawns on her that there is something very, very wrong about this strange situation and the inheritance at the center of it.


This is a creepy atmospheric mystery that keeps you guessing right up to the end. Hal is down on her luck, a tarot card reader barely scraping by.  Her mother was killed when she was 18 and Hal has been on her own since.  With no family she finds it strange and probably a mistake when she receives a notification in the mail telling her that she was named in someones will as a beneficiary.  Even though it may be a mistake inheriting a few thousand would solve her immediate issues and help her to catch up. Hal decides to give it a try and uses the last of her money to get to Penzance for the reading of the will.  What she finds is a big run down house that seems familiar, and a family that is broken by secrets, anger, and mistrust.

Ware is known for her creepy atmospheric books and this one doesn't disappoint. The mystery keeps you on edge and as the book nears the end you find yourself holding your breath while you watch the final scenes play out. Well done, fast paced mystery that takes you for a ride and when you think you have it all figured out you realize you really had no idea.

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.

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