ARC Book Review: After the Fire by Will Hill

Release Date: October 1, 2018
Publisher: Sourcebook Fires
Format: ebook
Pages: 464 pages
Genre:  YA, Historical Fiction
Buy: Kindle | Paperback | Audio


The things I’ve seen are burned into me, like scars that refuse to fade.

Before, she lived inside the fence. Before, she was never allowed to leave the property, never allowed to talk to Outsiders, never allowed to speak her mind. Because Father John controlled everything—and Father John liked rules. Disobeying Father John came with terrible consequences.

But there are lies behind Father John’s words. Outside, there are different truths.

Then came the fire.


Based on the true events that happened at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. I loved the way this book is written only giving us little glimpses at a time of life inside the religious sect that Moonbeam is a part of.

You know that Moonbeam is holding something back.  That she is wracked with guilt over something but you don't know what it is.  It isn't until almost the end that you find out.

This is a really well done book that sucks you in from the beginning and keeps your interest all the way through.  I am always fascinated by these religious sects and how the people come to follow these "prophets" and this shows how they are systematically broken down and the difficulty those who start to lose faith go through to either stay off the radar or find a way out.

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.

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