ARC Book Review: Watcher in the Woods: a Rockton Novel (Casey Duncan #4) by Kelley Armstrong

Release Date: February 5, 2019
Publisher: Minotaur Books
Format: ebook
Pages: 368 pages
Genre:  mystery/thriller
Buy: Kindle | Hardcover | Audio


The secret town of Rockton has seen some rocky times lately; understandable considering its mix of criminals and victims fleeing society for refuge within its Yukon borders. Casey Duncan, the town's only detective on a police force of three, has already faced murder, arson, and falling in love in the several months that she's lived there. Yet even she didn't think it would be possible for an outsider to locate the town and cause trouble in the place she's come to call home.

When a US Marshal shows up demanding the release of one of the residents, but won't say who, Casey and her boyfriend, Sheriff Eric Dalton, are skeptical. And yet only hours later, the marshal is shot dead and the only possible suspects are the townspeople and Casey's estranged sister, smuggled into town to help with a medical emergency. It's up to Casey to figure out who murdered the marshal, and why someone would kill to keep him quiet—before the killer strikes again.


I was drawn into this book from the very beginning. I didn't realize it was the 4th in a series until after I had started reading it so while only half way through I bought the first one to start when I was done with this one.  I'm hooked on Rockton and Casey Duncan and need to know her from the first moment she set foot in Rockton. While there is a lot of back story Watcher in the Woods can be a stand alone, Armstrong does a great job of catching you up on what you missed I just want all the details not just the summary.  Strong plot, interesting characters and a really interesting little town. I could totally see this evolving into a tv series, as her books for Bitten did I mean who can resist a town full of fugitives...with these neighbors you never have to look for trouble - its already there. 

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through in exchange for an honest review.

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