AUDIO BOOK REVIEW: Cradle to Grave (Kay Hunter #8)by Rachel Amphlett

Release Date: October 15, 2019
Publisher: Saxon Publishing
Format: Audio
Length: 7 hours 56 minutes
Narrator: Alison Campbell
Genre: Mystery/Crime Fiction
Buy: Audible | Kindle


When a faceless body is found floating in the river on a summer's morning, Detective Kay Hunter and her team are tasked with finding out the man's identity and where he came from.

The investigation takes a sinister turn when an abandoned boat is found, covered in blood stains and containing a child's belongings.

Under mounting pressure from a distraught family and an unforgiving media, the police are in a race against time - but they have no leads and no motive for the events that have taken place.


This is a fast paced thriller focusing on the disappearance of a young girl and a dead man found floating in the river with his face missing.  I think any investigation involving children hit the police hard but this one effects not only Kay who recently miscarried but also her co-worker who lost his son which make them more human and feel real.

Amphletts characters are well written, relatable and likable.  This story kept me guessing who the killer was and the ending was well done. I appreciate a good police procedural and these books definitely fit the bill.

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