ARC BOOK REVIEW: The Last Secret You Will Ever Keep by Laurie Faria Stolarz


Publication Date: March 16, 2021
Format: Kindle
Genre:  Mystery/thriller/YA

Publisher: Wednesday Books
Buy: Kindle | Hardcover


Four days…
Trapped in a well, surrounded by dirt, scratching at the walls trying to find a way out.
Four days of a thirst so strong, that when it finally rains, I drink as much as possible from the dripping walls, not even caring how much dirt comes with it.

Six months…
Since my escape. Since no one believed I was taken to begin with – from my own bed, after a party, when no one else was home…
Six months of trying to find answers and being told instead that I made the whole incident up.

One month…
Since I logged on to the Jane Anonymous site for the first time and found a community of survivors who listen without judgment, provide advice, and console each other when needed.
A month of chatting with a survivor whose story eerily mirrors my own: a girl who’s been receiving triggering clues, just like me, and who could help me find the answers I’m searching for.

Three days…
Since she mysteriously disappears, and since I’m forced to ask the questions: will my chance to find out what happened to me vanish with her? And will I be next?


I received a copy of this book from the publisher, Wednesday Books through in exchange for an honest review. 

This was a fantastic book filled with questions.  I was trying to decide if Terra was insane or if she truly was kidnapped.  If she was kidnapped I can't imagine how horrible it would be not to be believed. To have everyone you know including your guardian and the cops decide you were just crazy. How isolating that would be, how terrifying not to be able to trust your own mind. 

I love how Stolarz wove in technology through a chat room for victims of crime into the narrative which is so relevant as more people turn to technology for support, this give you a glimpse into the minds of  people who search to be understood and supported and can't find it in the real world. 

I did not read the first book in this series and I don't think you need to.  In fact it wasn't until I was half way done that I realized there was a first book! Stolarz has written an edge of your seat thriller aimed at a YA crowd but as an adult I was just as enamored.   I was completely immersed in this book right until the last page which may have answered some questions posed earlier in the book.

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