BOOK REVIEW: One Lost Soul (Hidden Norfolk Murder Mystery #1) by JM Dalgliesh


Publication Date: October 8, 2019
Format: Kindle
Genre:  British Fiction/Police Procedural 

Publisher: Hamilton Press                                      
259 pages
Buy: Paperback | Kindle 


When a body is found on a lonely cliff top path, the angelic face of a murdered teenager lies facing the rising sun. Strangled by the hands of an unknown killer, it falls to DI Tom Janssen and his fledgling team to find out how she came to be there. Destined for a career in medicine, one to rival that of her parents, Holly Bettany’s future was as bright as it had been privileged. Seemingly, all that could threaten this promising teenager’s life was Holly herself.

In an idyllic coastal setting, Janssen must unpick the layers of deceit within a close-knit community that threaten to reveal scandal at every turn. Holly had a secret… and she knew the secrets of others… 

Who was prepared to kill in order to keep them hidden? What happens if another comes to know what she did? One thing is certain… a brutal killer has no boundaries…


This is a great new detective series that I found on Kindle Unlimited.  

I love British detective novels and this one is off to a great start.  Small towns always breed gossip and labels so when a young girl is found dead and the last person she was seen with is one of the infamous Murphy's all things point in the direction of the local "bad family".  However nothing is what it seems and Holly kept secrets, lots of secrets. In fact there are a lot of secrets floating around this little town and many of them are impeding their investigation. 

This is a great police procedural. I love that one of the cops seems to know everyone, but is insecure, the other is local but doesn't seem like he is because of his looks, and the other isn't from around there but is called in from another precinct to help out and has a very direct way of dealing with things.  However different they are they all seem to work very well together though. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series which is also on kindle unlimited...whoever said there weren't great reads on this platform! 

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