BOOK REVIEW: Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman


Publication Date: April 9, 2019
Format: Paperback
Genre:  Psychological Fiction

Publisher: Ballantine Books      
384 pages
Buy:  Kindle Paperback 


If you could make one simple choice that would change your life forever, would you?
Erin is a documentary filmmaker on the brink of a professional breakthrough, Mark a handsome investment banker with big plans. Passionately in love, they embark on a dream honeymoon to the tropical island of Bora Bora, where they enjoy the sun, the sand, and each other. Then, while scuba diving in the crystal blue sea, they find something in the water. . . .
Could the life of your dreams be the stuff of nightmares?
Suddenly the newlyweds must make a dangerous choice: to speak out or to protect their secret. After all, if no one else knows, who would be hurt? Their decision will trigger a devastating chain of events. . . .
Have you ever wondered how long it takes to dig a grave?


This is a Reese Witherspoon Book Club book...I bought a bunch of these because many of them are really good or at least are entertaining. 

Erin and Mark are very privileged and seem really out of touch with reality.  When Mark loses his job at a financial firm he has a hard time finding something new. This leads to panic, with their upcoming wedding Mark starts stressing over money.  Mark doesn't come from money but now that he has had a taste of it he isn't going to let it go.  

Erin seems completely self absorbed. She watches as Mark gets increasingly frustrated at not finding a new job but doesn't concern herself with all the money they are spending on their upcoming wedding. A documentary film maker she is in the middle of a project to film people in prison right before they get out and then once again once they leave.  She has 3 prisoners, 2 women, and 1 man.  

On their honeymoon in Bora Bora while returning from a diving adventure they find a bag floating in the water and their troubles begin.  Making one stupid mistake after another, neither Mark or Erin seem to really trust the other which leads to lies, and creates a rift in their new marriage.  Erin is smart but her curiosity gets her in more and more trouble.  Erin seems to be the logical one but there was something nagging at me that told me to watch him that he was probably more than he seemed. 

This book was at times infuriating, as I wanted to just shake some of the characters and yell WTF! However, overall this was a good distraction book.  It took me out of reality and got me focused on someone else's stupidity and drama. I was entertained and enjoyed the twists and turns of the plot.  For an end of summer read it was just what I needed.  

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