BOOK BLOGGER HOP: How young do you think children should be when they start reading?

Q.How young do you think children should be when they start reading? (submitted by Julie @< JadeSky)

   A. I'm not sure I think there is a time when they SHOULD start reading and honestly I can't remember when mine started reading but I started reading to them when they were old enough to sit up.  I'm a big reader and loved to snuggle up with my kids and read them a bedtime story or really anytime of the day.  I think the more kids are read to the more they start recognizing words and perhaps start reading on their own.  


  1. I have been reading for as long as I can remember. I don't have any kids but if I did I would have read to them and encouraged them to read too. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I love reading to kids I think it is so essential..even if it doesn't lead to a reader it gives them an imagination

  2. I think I started around 4, but was demanding to be read to from the time I could speak (which was early—my baby book tells me that I said my first word at 5 months, and was talking in full sentences at my first birthday party). My poor father! Apparently, my favorite phrase was ‘Again, Daddy. Again.’.

    My take here—


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