BOOK REVIEW: Calling Quarters (Beacon Grove #1) by Jen Stevens

Publication Date: October 7, 2021
Format: Kindle
Genre:  Fantasy Romance, YA

Publisher: Jen Stevens     
282 pages
Buy:  Kindle Paperback 


I was raised to believe a town full of witches were only in movies, and those spell books my aunt studied were just a silly pastime. I had no idea of the important role I play in a coven with zero knowledge of my existence, or the sacrifice my parents made by leaving behind everything they knew to protect me.

In the wake of my aunt's mysterious death, I have no other choice but to return to my birthplace for answers. But Beacon Grove is a twisted place where distrust spreads like cancer, lies fester, and the truth is nearly impossible to find.

One thing I’m sure of is the danger that Remy Winters and our inexplicable connection pose to me as one of the Quarters of the Watchtower coven. Through painstaking research and placing my trust in this man who has been trained since birth to hunt me, I learn that my family is far more intertwined with the tight-knit town than I originally thought.

I could be exactly what they need to save their beloved Quarters, but admitting what I am to those who have been brainwashed into fearing me could put my life at risk.


I have no idea how I received his book but it is free on kindle unlimited and I found it on my review list as well as sharing it as a book blitz by xpresso tours - however I received it thank you! 

This was a great read, although I missed much of October due to a family tragedy this book helped get me back into the swing of reading again.  This is a mystery, a romance, and a tale of power.  Not just magical power but political power.  The Quarters of Beacon Grove are meant to protect the town as they perform magic.  They basically hold the circle to prevent bad stuff from happening.  However since before the current Quarters took over their powers have been waning.  Rumor has it that every Quarter has a mirror and that the mirrors are draining the power from the Quarters so in order to stop this Mirrors must be found and killed. However no one wants their children killed so those who believe they gave birth to mirrors fled Beacon Hill.  

Now a Mirror has returned to Beacon Hill and when she meets her Quarter more than sparks fly.  Torn between his duty to destroy his mirror and the pull he feels toward her Remy Winters keeps her secret and begins to think the whole town may have been deceived, but who is pulling the strings? 

Good plotting, interesting characters and good story line.  I think this may be marketed as an adult book but I put it firmly in the YA category.  

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