Publication Date: January 30,
Format: Audio Genre: Mystery Narrators: Athena Karkanis
Publisher: Bespeak Audio Length: 9 hours 43 min Buy: Kindle | Audio
The latest novel in the Joanne Kilbourn Shreve series opens in the month of
May, a time of beginnings when all things seem possible. Joanne’s husband,
Zack, recently elected mayor of Regina, is optimistic that he can garner the
public support necessary to make Regina a city that works — not just for the
few, but for the many. Their oldest son Peter is marrying Maisie Crawford, a
woman as clever and forthright as she is lovely. Their lakeside wedding is a
dream come true, but when a former lover of a member of the bridal party
shows up, the dream becomes a nightmare. Before the bride's bouquet has
wilted, there's an act of sickening cruelty; soon afterwards, there’s a
Devastated, Joanne and Zack search for answers. As it becomes increasingly
unclear whether political agendas, shattered romance, or a secret buried
deep in the past have motivated the crimes, the loyalties of the Shreve
family are tested. A gripping mystery with a social conscience, this is a
novel of high stakes and innocence lost.
I received a free audio book from the publisher through in exchange for a honest review.
This is the 2nd Joanne Killbourn novel I've listened to. I listened to
the 18th one before this one and really liked it, although I read these out of
order I don't think it really took much away from the books. Taylor is
younger in this book still finding her way through her art and life.
Zack is the Mayor and his agenda is based on keeping their town from
being overrun by track housing and strip malls.
When their good friend and the sister-in-law of their son is finds all of her
prized birds dead on her farm and then she is found murdered a few days later
and their other friends son is accused of killing her things start to get
messy. No one believes that Simon could have killed his former lover,
even though he was devastated by their break up but who else could it be. As
Joanne once again dips her toe in where it doesn't belong she uncovers long
held grievances and jilted lovers.
This is a well done mystery that I believe could stand alone just as #18 did.
I didn't feel lost or confused by the characters even though I'm jumping into
the series so far from the beginning. I love Zack and Joanne's relationship,
they have their struggles, their spats but they love each other and eventually
work things out. I appreciate the realness of that. Taylor often seems much
older than her age but I'm going to chalk that up to what she has been through
in her short life and who her parents are and all the craziness they seem to
stumble into all the time.
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