BOOK REVIEW: The Chef by James Patterson & Max Dilallo

Publication Date: February 18, 2019
Format: Paperback
Genre:  Culinary Mystery

Publisher: Little Brown & Co
401 pages
Buy:  Kindle Paperback 


A New Orleans police detective by day and celebrity food truck chef by night, Caleb Rooney has a new title -- Louisiana's Most Wanted -- in this shocking thriller from the world's #1 bestselling author.
In the Carnival days leading up Mardi Gras, Detective Caleb Rooney comes under investigation for a murder he is accused of committing in the line of duty -- as a Major Crimes detective for the New Orleans Police Department. Has his sideline at the Killer Chef food truck given him a taste for murder?
While fighting the charges against him, Rooney makes a pair of unthinkable discoveries: His beloved city is under threat of attack . . . and these would-be terrorists may be local.

As crowds of revelers gather, Rooney follows a fearsome trail of clues, racing from outlying districts into city center. He has no idea what -- or whom -- he'll face in defense of his beloved hometown, only that innocent lives are at stake.


Not the best James Patterson book I've read but it does have his signature short chapters which makes it an easy quick read. Filled with food, recipes and fine dining.  I don't know where the main character ever finds time to do anything.  Between saving New Orleans from a Terrorist attack at Mardi Gras, finding a new girlfriend, whipping up food for thousands of people in his food truck and sitting down for 4 course meals I wouldn't have time to breathe.  

I wish there had been a little more research done for this book since it is all about how tourists and outsiders are appropriating New Orleans culture.  Most of the fine dining recipes are not what you would find in New Orleans, crawfish aren't found in the Gulf and if you are going to run a successful food truck you actually need to be there or have a 2nd cook on hand, not to mention you never garnish food and then stick it in a warmer! 

To say this book jumped the crawfish would not be an exaggeration but it was a fun little romp through the city I love. 

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