ARC BOOK REVIEW: Jagged Harts by Katelyn Taylor

Publication Date: June 30, 2022
Format: Kindle 
Genre:  Sports Romance

Publisher: Self Published
212  pages
Buy:  Kindle


I’m a survivor. A fighter down to my blood. I need the release that comes when I step in that octagon, I crave it.
I spent too long being beat down and broken in every sense of the word, and I almost didn’t make it.
Fighting saved me though and then I saved myself.
When I am offered a full ride scholarship to a college in the middle of nowhere Alabama over 2000 miles away, I grab the chance with both hands and run like hell.
What I didn’t expect to find when I got there was a local underground brawler that has more likeness to a local celebrity than the arrogant broody bastard who seems to be everywhere I turn.
Dax Hart.
Every man wants to be him, and every woman wants to be under him.
Except for me.
I have no intention of getting caught up with the short tempered sexy as sin asshole.
Even if his broken jagged pieces are a mirror image of mine.


I received a free advanced copy of this book and I'm voluntarily leaving an honest review. This book is also free on Kindle Unlimited.

I really enjoyed this book.  I loved that the female lead character is a tough as nails fighter.  She can take on the boys and win! However she does show her vulnerable side as well and I really appreciated the maturity of her relationship with Dax. Their respective histories and why they are so shut down is addressed with care and though which I really appreciated it.  There are definitely some triggers for people who may have been raped or abused as children.  

Their relationship isn't all sunshine and roses but Dax starts to understand that Aubrey doesn't always need saving.  I also appreciated that Dax doesn't try change her when it comes to fighting, he doesn't try to talk her out of fighting in fact he stands up for her. 

Of course since this is a romance so there has to be some drama which was also fitting for the book and done well.  

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