ABC READING CHALLENGE BOOK REVIEW: Trust Me, I'm Lying by Mary Elizabeth Summer

Publication Date: October 14, 2014
Format: Kindle
Genre:  YA Suspense

Publisher: Delacorte Press
354 pages
Buy:  Kindle | Paperback


Julep Dupree tells lies. A lot of them. She’s a con artist, a master of disguise, and a sophomore at Chicago’s swanky St. Agatha High, where her father, an old-school grifter with a weakness for the ponies, sends her to so she can learn to mingle with the upper crust. For extra spending money Julep doesn’t rely on her dad—she runs petty scams for her classmates while dodging the dean of students and maintaining an A+ (okay, A-) average.

But when she comes home one day to a ransacked apartment and her father gone, Julep’s carefully laid plans for an expenses-paid golden ticket to Yale start to unravel. Even with help from St. Agatha’s resident Prince Charming, Tyler Richland, and her loyal hacker sidekick, Sam, Julep struggles to trace her dad’s trail of clues through a maze of creepy stalkers, hit attempts, family secrets, and worse, the threat of foster care. With everything she has at stake, Julep’s in way over her head . . . but that’s not going to stop her from using every trick in the book to find her dad before his mark finds her. Because that would be criminal.


Julep is a con artist, a grifter, a fixer and a high school student.  Her mother went missing when she was younger and her father taught her his grifting ways.  When her father goes missing Julep finds a clue and is determined to find him. What she finds is way more than she bargained for.  Secrets, lies and manipulations drive this book.  You can't help but like Julep, she is a strong girl with many talents but maybe not as much common sense as she could use, but thats where her friends step in. 

This is a fast paced well written book. Its YA but I was totally invested in the characters and devastated at the end.  Julep is a girl with trust and abandonment issues but she always seems to rally. In her heart she wants to do good, she just wants to be normal, the grifting is just a means to an end and she doesn't know anything else. 

Maybe she should call for back up every once in a while, learn to trust others to help her.  But as her world crumbles around her Julep tries to save everyone around her even if it means sacrificing herself. 

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