BOOK REVIEW: The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams

Publication Date: November 5, 2019
Format: Kindle
Genre:  Womens Fiction

Publisher: Berkley
350 pages
Buy:  Kindle | Paperback


The first rule of book club: You don't talk about book club.
Nashville Legends second baseman Gavin Scott's marriage is in major league trouble. He’s recently discovered a humiliating secret: his wife Thea has always faked the Big O. When he loses his cool at the revelation, it’s the final straw on their already strained relationship. Thea asks for a divorce, and Gavin realizes he’s let his pride and fear get the better of him. 

Welcome to the Bromance Book Club.

Distraught and desperate, Gavin finds help from an unlikely source: a secret romance book club made up of Nashville's top alpha men. With the help of their current read, a steamy Regency titled 
Courting the Countess, the guys coach Gavin on saving his marriage. But it'll take a lot more than flowery words and grand gestures for this hapless Romeo to find his inner hero and win back the trust of his wife.


This is a really fun and funny book but it also has some great real life insight.  Gavin is desperate to save his marriage, his wife is not so sure.  Both of them are struggling with their past experiences that are leading them to self destruction despite their continued attraction and care they feel for each other.  The Bromance Book Club is made up of a bunch of Gavins friends and other well known men from the area.  They use romance novels as self help guides to help their relationships and their marriages. 

I can't tell you how many times I was laughing out loud at this book.  Gavin stuffing romance novels behind cushions and under the couch so his wife wouldn't see them cracked me up.  There is also something to be said for not falling victim to changing yourself to fit into a mold someone else creates for you.  You have to be you or you start to resent the other person even if they had nothing to do with asking you to conform. 

The other great take away from this book is to look at your backstory, or your past, what are you holding on to that is clouding your vision? What is holding you back from getting what you want? Its usually a fear that we hang onto and use it as a lens to see all our relationships through for good or bad. 

I just discovered that this is actually part of a series which I am very happy about because I want to learn more about the other members of the club! 

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