BOOK REVIEW: Twisted in Flames by Rory Ireland

Publication Date: May 12, 2022
Format: Kindle
Genre:  Dark Step-brother Romance

Publisher: Banned Baddies LLC
139 pages
Buy: Kindle | Paperback


Sebastian McCoy is going to pour gasoline on Woodsboro and burn it to the ground. The arrogant, heartbreakingly beautiful monster will torment me into lighting the first match.

He knows all of my secrets, but he's forgetting that I know his too.

If we burn, we burn together.

This is a DARK, MF, STEPBROTHER, college romance. Sebastian is an antihero and themes within this book may make some readers uncomfortable. Because this is a duet, book one ends on a cliffhanger...


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Blaine McCoy is dead and his brother Sebastian is determined to find out why.  Their step-sister CJ was supposed to be with Blaine when he died but she swears she wasn't but she is hiding something.  Sebastian has long desired CJ but has kept his distance.  Now he is going to break her and get her to spill her secrets.  He thinks he has the upper hand but his desire for CJ is blinding and he will do anything to protect her from the threats being leveled at both of them. 

With the help of his pack of friends affectionately referred to as the Wolves, he keeps watch on CJ and makes sure she is always protected, except from himself.  

Dark, and sexy.  Sebastian is a bit of an over the top dick until about half way through when I started to actually see his appeal.  

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