BOOK REVIEW: Bust by Ken Bruin & Jason Starr

Publication Date: April 20, 2011
Format: Paperback
Genre:  Noir Crime

Publisher: Hard Case Crime
 254 pages
Buy: Kindle | Paperback



1) When you hire someone to kill your wife, don’t hire a psychopath.

2) Don’t use Drano to get rid of a dead body.

3) Those locks on hotel room doors?  Not very secure.

4) A curly blond wig isn’t much of a disguise.

Secrets can kill.


This is about the 3rd book I've read under the Hard Case Crime Insignia.  "Hard Case Crime is dedicated to reviving the vigor and excitement, the suspense and thrills—the sheer entertainment—of the golden age of paperback crime novels, both by bringing back into print the best work of the pulp era and by introducing readers to new work by some of today's most powerful writers and artists. Determined detectives and dangerous women...fortune hunters and vengeance seekers...ingenious criminals and men on the run...Hard Case Crime novels offer everything you want from a great story, all in handsome and affordable editions."

This is the first in 4 part series about a mysogonist husband who is having an affair with his secretary and finds his wife to be an inconvenience.  He makes a plan to have her kill but suddenly things get wildly out of control and he finds himself on the brink of losing everything. 

This is crime noir at its finest.  I can't wait to read the rest of this series and I'm becoming a bit obsessed with collecting all the titles under this brand. 

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