BOOK REVIEW: We Spread by Iain Reid

Publication Date: September 27, 2022
Format: Kindle
Genre:  Mystery, Psychological Thriller

Publisher: Gallery Scout Press
 303 pages
Buy: Kindle | Paperback


Penny, an artist, has lived in the same apartment for decades, surrounded by the artifacts and keepsakes of her long life. She is resigned to the mundane rituals of old age, until things start to slip. Before her longtime partner passed away years earlier, provisions were made for a room in a unique long-term care residence, where Penny finds herself after one too many “incidents.”

Initially, surrounded by peers, conversing, eating, sleeping, looking out at the beautiful woods that surround the house, all is well. She even begins to paint again. But as the days start to blur together, Penny—with a growing sense of unrest and distrust—starts to lose her grip on the passage of time and on her place in the world. Is she succumbing to the subtly destructive effects of aging or is she an unknowing participant in something more unsettling?


This is one of those books that you need someone else to read so you can talk about what you just read. It's also a very difficult book to review.  Was Penny delusional? Did she have dementia or was some of the creepy stuff that she thought was happening really happening? It's really up to you to interpret it.  Whatever it is this is a very readable book that brings you along on its adventure at a quick pace and is very readable. You may be left scratching your head but you won't be sorry you read it.  

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