BOOK REVIEW: Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis
I placed a library hold on this so long ago I've forgotten why I did, but I'm glad I did. I wasn't sure if I was going to like this at first but it hooked me pretty quickly and I thought it was unique and fun. The main character has no memory of who he is or what he was doing. Slowly he realizes that he is a Dark Lord, and not a very good one. He also realizes he doesn't really want to be that anymore.
This book has themes choosing good or evil, starting over, how looks can be deceiving and how sometimes the way someone looks dictates how we react to them. Never judge a book by a cover! (which when it comes to books I am totally guilty of).
All of the characters are fantastic - well maybe with the exception of one. I think people of all ages would love this book and actually may learn something about how we treat people who don't look like us.
Publisher: Titan Books
It’s a lot worse when you realize that Dread Lord Whomever is… you.
Gav isn’t really sure how he ended up with a castle full of goblins, or why he has a princess locked in a cell. All he can do is play along with his own evil plan in hopes of getting his memories back before he gets himself killed.
But as he realizes that nothing – from the incredibly tasteless cloak adorned with flames to the aforementioned princess – is quite what it seems, Gav must face up to all the things the Dread Lord Gavrax has done. And he’ll have to answer the hardest question of all – who does he want to be?
A high fantasy farce featuring killer moat squid, toxic masculinity, an evil wizard convocation, and a garlic festival. All at once. All in all, Dread Lord Gavrax has had better weeks.
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